Planet Fitness

9875 W Deer Springs Way
Las Vegas, NV 89149

The world judges. We don't. It's why we call our clubs the Judgement Free Zone, a unique environment in which anyone can escape Judgement. We believe fitness is essential to lead to a happy lifestyle! So come on in, or download our app, to stay active, have fun, or just kick back and relax in one of our massage chairs – it’s entirely up to you.

You can join PF starting at the age of 13 with a parent/legal guardian’s permission; they must be present with you during the sign-up process. Members aged 13 and 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when they work out. Members who are 15 to 17 years old must have a signed waiver from a parent or guardian on file. Please note that any PF Black Card® guests must be 18 years old with a valid ID, unless they’re accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Holiday hours may vary, check by location.

Tickets for all major events are available now!

Call the Rebel Tickets VegasNearMe ticketing line at 725-325-1036

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