In 2016, Couture Traders set out to light the world of re-commerce on fire by being one of the first retailers offering to outright purchase designer authentic handbags and accessories directly from consumers. Our simple process takes the waiting, guesswork, and control away from outdated consignment shops, online retailers, and mysterious buyers and sellers found on social media, while at the same time offering thousands of designer brands at deeply discounted rates. Couture Traders’ goal was, and continues to be, to empower women and men alike to go ahead and shop luxury, authentic designer brands, and to help them save money, time and time again.
Couture Traders opened its first location on a beautiful main street in northern New Jersey, full of quaint boutique shops and restaurants. The concept took off at an overwhelming pace, leading Couture Traders to open locations in shopping malls across New Jersey.
Our continually expanding brand now brings massive savings to people across the state. As we grow, through our corporate-owned stores and franchises, we look forward to providing our products, services, and savings to anyone and everyone looking to enjoy luxury products for a fraction of the MSRP. We strive to make the process of buying, selling, and trading as simple as possible.
Couture Traders is open on Tuesday by appointment only.
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