Vegas with Shin

$1000 Steak at Papi Steak - Fontainebleau Las Vegas

Video by Vegas with Shin on YouTube

Resorts, Businesses and Activities in this episode...

The Fontainebleau Las Vegas was over a decade in the making, and finally opened their doors in December of 2023, and with it comes one of the most glamourous steakhouses in all of Las Vegas. Papi Steak has its roots in Miami, where sugar daddies would come to flaunt and flex while they indulged in a top tier steakhouse. Now Papi Steak has made its way to Las Vegas and I'm looking forward to exploring this restaurant with you!

Every restaurant is a buffet if you're willing to pay

Thank you for watching!

Filmed on an iPhone 13 Mini
Audio by RODE ME-L
Music from Epidemic Sound
Edited with Wondershare Filmora 13